

These days people function so much on autopilot without much thought to what they eat, drink and how they move. People as a whole eat too much, and food choices are dictated more by convenience and costs rather than health and wellbeing. I’ll be honest — I am not a fan of trending diets and not at all calories conscious — albeit consuming or burning. I am a cynical generalist when it comes to diets and exercise, preferring to defer to how I ‘feel’ to determine what is good, bad, beautiful or ugly for my health and body.

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Of late I have been obsessing over my new found passion — whitewater kayaking. One might mistake its overtaken my love for Pilates, however this couldn’t be further from the truth. If anything it reaffirms my belief in the value of the Pilates method as a formidable strength training program that is intelligent and transferable.

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